White Paper

White Paper

Finding Bids in the Cloud

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In less than a decade, cloud-based computing (aka SaaS, or “Software-as-a-Service”) and other supporting technologies have transformed the procurement industry from the traditional paper and file cabinet systems employed for more than half a century into the e-procurement processes used today. Learn how you can take advantage of these advancements to find new opportunities and grow your business from the comfort of your desk.

That’s because, though government agency budgets can and do fluctuate, their spending levels are far more consistent than many private sector organizations. In fact, state budgets — while only growing “at a moderate pace, post-recession” — are indeed growing. As reported in the Keating Report 2016: This “is the six consecutive year of spending and revenue growth for states.” The Fall 2015 Fiscal Survey of States confirmed that 43 states enacted spending increases in fiscal year 2016 compared to 2015. Even better for you, government spending is expected to continue its growth trend in 2016 and 2017. According to Lexington, Mass.-based IHS Global Insight, state and local government purchases totaled $1.96 trillion in 2015.